Aine Murphy
Bio Diversity Project

Tony Keneally, Millstreet Tidy Town Association, Transition Year Students, Mr Derry Morley and Teachers
Bio Diversity Project
Mr Tony Keneally, Wildlife Biologist has kindly donated his time to the Transition Year Students of Millstreet Community School. They are currently undertaking a Bio Diversity plan for the woodland area at the back of the Community School. The students, led by Tony are to map the area and create a management plan for the area. The best Management Plan will be presented to the Millstreet Tidy Town association and will be used for out entry in the Tidy Town Compettion for 2015. We would like to take this oppurtunity to thank Tony Keneally, Mr Derry Morley and the teachers and students of Transition Year.
Litter Pick Up
The first of our weekly Litter Pick Up will be on Thursday 23rd of April. Meeting in The Square @ 7pm. Pickers, Bages and Gloves will be provided. Hope to see both old and new faces.