Community School
MCS TY Biodiversity Project
This year again, Millstreet Tidy Town Association are very proud to working with the Transition
Year students of Millstreet Community School. Under the instruction of our Wildlife Biologist, Tony Keneally, and being co-ordinated by teachers Bernie McAuliffe and Mary Fitzgerald the Transition Years are undertaking studies of local birds. There is to be a presentation about the Barn Owl and Kestrel on Monday, 20th March 2017 @ Millstreet Community School @ 8pm. All are welcome. It will be a great evening and lots of info for young and old. For more information please see their Facebook page
Bronze Medal Returns
Great news came from The Helix this afternoon. Not only did Millstreet earn an extra 6 points this year in the National Tidy Town Competition but we are to see the return of a Bronze Medal. This is an amazing result for the town. The report has been loaded up on the website and full comments and points can be seen from this page. Millstreet Tidy Town Association would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved. Without a strong community spirit and a stalwart of volunteers this result would not be possible. Tidy Town is just one simple way that we can showcase how wonderful a place Millstreet is. We can hold our heads high safe in the knowledge that all the hard work that people are putting into to keeping this town a beautiful place to live is paying off. So hats off and big congratulations to all. Pat and Noreen were in attendance representing the Millstreet Tidy Town Association this afternoon and I will post pictures of this fantastic afternoons result when I receive them.
Good Luck
So tonight is the night ladies and gents, The results of the Anti Litter Competition will be announced this evening in a ceremony being held @ Cork City Hall. We did fantastically well in out first 2 rounds so we would hope that this would have continued for the 3rd and final round. Only time will tell. So we send off our lovely volunteers and hopefully they will return home triumphant with a lovely trophy, a bit of cash and full bellies. Fingers crossed.
Thank You & Well Done
Team Millstreet Clean-Up was a massive success this morning. This is all down to the many volunteers that started yesterday evening and were still going @ 4pm this afternoon. All approach roads into Millstreet have been cleaned. Some of the back roads have also been done. Tullig to Aubane was cleaned last week. Tanyard Wood residents were also out in force this morning also. It warms the heart to see such a fantastic community spirit alive and well in Millstreet. We were also joined today by Cllr. Mellissa Mullane and her daughter, whom were out picking litter with the rest of the crew from 10am this morning. Fair Play. Also Mayor of Cork County, John Paul O’Shea joined us and did his bit and then Derry Sheehan, our fearless leader gave him a tour of our fair town and all it has to offer. There was a massive amount of work done this morning, everybody should be very proud of themselves young and old that turned up to give a helping hand this morning. This is a great start to the year. This also places us in a good position heading into the Anti Litter Competition which will be starting soon. Also when all the morning crew were gone home and feet up, I caught a glimpse of the town footpaths being swept this evening by some of the local business’. Really proud of Millstreet Community Spirit that was shown today. Lets keep it going.
Tranisiton Year Project 2016
After a hugely successful project last year, this year Tony Keneally is working with Transition Year Student in Millstreet Community School again this year. This years project is about the study of Barn Owl and Kestrel in the area of Millstreet. As part of this project the Transition Year Class constructed 2 Nest boxes for each species. The first 2 boxes will be erected in undisclosed locations to maximise the probability of these two very solitary birds, nesting in the boxes so an in-depth study can carried out regarding the birds. The second 2 boxes, we require the publics assistance. If you have seen a Barn Owl or Kestrel in your area could you please contact us as we would really like to erect these Nesting Boxes in an area where these birds have been seen. Contact us via email @ Facebook or twitter. Alternatively here on the website. We look forward to the project that will be submitted by the Transition Year Students and as last year the project chosen by Tony Keneally will be submitted with our National entry this year.
Welcome to 2016
Happy New Year to Everybody. Apologies for the lack of communication for last number of weeks. This is now to end. Back to regular updates and posts. I can here all the shouts of joy from here. So what better way to start a New Year than to reflect on the achievements of the previous year. There is so much to choose from. Well we had a very successful Anti Litter Challenge campaign this last year. We have an eye on first place for 2016. Then there is also the various projects that Tony Keneally, Wildlife Biologist has been heavily involved in with both the National and Secondary Schools. Also brilliant results in the National Tidy Town for this past year, only narrowly missing out on a Bronze Medal. Millstreet won a Pride of Place award in October. New Water Butts were placed throughout the Town, as were hanging baskets and Nest boxes. Let’s not forget about the new Footpaths. These are only a few of the amazing accomplishments achieved by volunteers, FÁS workers, Council Workers and many more. All kindly giving up their time and energy to make our town a wonderful place to live. So what are the hopes for 2016. Well aim high is what I think. Anyone fancy volunteering email, tweet, Facebook, there no shortage of ways to communicate your interest to us. There is always plenty of work to be done. So as we begin to see a stretch starting to creep back into the evening and the rain has finally stopped, I found a nice little New Year’s quote that kind of sums up the feeling really.
“Be More Awesome Than Last Year”
Presentation of Bio Diversity Project
Millstreet Tidy Town Association are very proud to announce that tonight we were presented with the winning Bio Diversity Project from the Transition Year Students of Millstreet Community School. It was a very hard decision to come to as all six projects presented to Tony Keneally were of the highest standard and we would like to thank all the students that took part in this project. This Bio Diversity study was undertaken by Aisling Dennehy, Ava Barry, Áine McAuliffe, Jennifer Corcoran, Chloé Collins & Megan Ring. The Bio Diversity Project is of the Woodland area next to the Millstreet Community School. They were mentored by Wildlife Biologist, Tony Keneally and supported by Mr Derry Morley and teachers Ms Fitzgerald and Ms McAuliffe of the Millstreet Community School. This will be a fantastic addition to this years submission to the Tidy Town application, every point that we can gain is an achievement. We hope that with the continued support of the Millstreet Community School and the wider community as a whole that this project will continue in the future. Well done girls
Bio Diversity Project

Tony Keneally, Millstreet Tidy Town Association, Transition Year Students, Mr Derry Morley and Teachers
Bio Diversity Project
Mr Tony Keneally, Wildlife Biologist has kindly donated his time to the Transition Year Students of Millstreet Community School. They are currently undertaking a Bio Diversity plan for the woodland area at the back of the Community School. The students, led by Tony are to map the area and create a management plan for the area. The best Management Plan will be presented to the Millstreet Tidy Town association and will be used for out entry in the Tidy Town Compettion for 2015. We would like to take this oppurtunity to thank Tony Keneally, Mr Derry Morley and the teachers and students of Transition Year.