Aine Murphy
A Massive Thanks
It is without doubt that the Millstreet Tidy Town Association could not continue its work throughout the town without the help and support of the local community. That is why we would like to take this opportunity to thank Liam Flynn for his kind donation of Daffodil Bulbs last year, so this spring we are greeted with a beautiful carpet of yellow daffodils on the approach roads into Millstreet Town. As always anybody who would like to help us out is more than welcome. Contact us on this page, email, Facebook or twitter.
Millstreet Community School
Once again this year our resident Wildlife Biologist Tony Keneally is continuing his Bio Diversity work with the Transition Years of Millstreet Community School. We are very lucky to have Tony to help us in this regard. Not only is very beneficial to us in our National Tidy Town campaign each year, the students are benefitting from Tony’s knowledge and expertise. They are continuing work that was started years previous on habitats surrounding the school and also this year there will be a Bio Diversity Information night held by the Transition Year Students in the Millstreet Secondary school on 30th March. Details of this are to follow at a later date. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Tony and Derry Morley and all the staff at Millstreet Community School with whom this project could not continue.
Major apologies for the lack of communications for the last number of months. This is all to be amended now. So in the spirit of a New Year, lets all get going. Its Spring and there is a stretch in the evenings. Anyone who fancys giving a helping hand you can contact us here on the page, Facebook and Twitter. Hope to hear from you soon.
Millstreet Tidy Town Award Ceremony
Millstreet Tidy Town Association are delighted to announce our very own Award Ceremony will be held in the Clara Inn, Millstreet, Co. Cork on Wednesday 5th October. It should be a fun filled evening with prize giving for Best Commercial Premises and also Best Garden and Best Household. All finalists have been informed and winners will be announced on the night. It is an especially proud night for all involve due to the return of our bronze medal this year from the National Tidy Town Competition of 2016. Please feel free to drop in and help us celebrate.
Bronze Medal Returns
Great news came from The Helix this afternoon. Not only did Millstreet earn an extra 6 points this year in the National Tidy Town Competition but we are to see the return of a Bronze Medal. This is an amazing result for the town. The report has been loaded up on the website and full comments and points can be seen from this page. http://millstreettidytown.ie/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2016-County-Cork_North-Millstreet-480.pdf. Millstreet Tidy Town Association would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved. Without a strong community spirit and a stalwart of volunteers this result would not be possible. Tidy Town is just one simple way that we can showcase how wonderful a place Millstreet is. We can hold our heads high safe in the knowledge that all the hard work that people are putting into to keeping this town a beautiful place to live is paying off. So hats off and big congratulations to all. Pat and Noreen were in attendance representing the Millstreet Tidy Town Association this afternoon and I will post pictures of this fantastic afternoons result when I receive them.
We Did It
News just in, Millstreet have won 1st prize in Category A of the Anti Litter Challenge 2016. Woo Hoo. That is an amazing result. A massive thank and well done to all involved you should be very proud of yourselves. It is amazing what can be achieved with a little help for everybody in the community. Millstreet Tidy Town Association would like to thank all the volunteers, FÁS workers, Cork County Council for its help in achieving this result. Last and by no means least everyone in Millstreet Town who did their bit not matter how big or small this has significantly impacted the result that was achieved tonight. Well done. Roll on National Tidy Town awards on the 26th of September. I will hopefully be able to post some pictures of tonights proceedings over the coming days, that’s if our representatives weren’t too busy celebrating to grab a few shots.
Good Luck
So tonight is the night ladies and gents, The results of the Anti Litter Competition will be announced this evening in a ceremony being held @ Cork City Hall. We did fantastically well in out first 2 rounds so we would hope that this would have continued for the 3rd and final round. Only time will tell. So we send off our lovely volunteers and hopefully they will return home triumphant with a lovely trophy, a bit of cash and full bellies. Fingers crossed.
Up Cycle Challenge 2016
Calling all budding Up cyclers. There is a competition running in association with Cork County Council and Free Trade Ireland. Very easy to enter. Pick a project. Take a before pic. Upcycle to your items new or former glory. Submit your entry. You could be in with a chance of winning €1000. Not bad. Closting date is 30th September so still plenty of time to enter. For full details please contact info@freetradeireland.ie. Happy Upcycling.
Knotweed are you ready ?
Featured in Monday’ s Irish Examiner was a very interesting article regarding Knotweed and its affect on the Irish Countryside and how it has infested some areas. Our very own Liam Flynn of Drishane Road was a contributor for this article. Well done Liam. Please click on the following link for the full article. http://www.irishexaminer.com/viewpoints/analysis/knotweed-authorities-decided-to-ignore-this-issue-for-years-because-of-the-costs-in-dealing-with-it-415824.html
Garden & Floral Display Competition 2016
Kanturk Mallow Municipal District are running Town & Villages Garden and Floral Display Competition 2016 again this year. There are 3 categories for Millstreet with 2 sub categories in each. All competition has a prize fund of between €300 to €100. Nice prize for someone. So get you green fingers working their magic. Entries cost €5 and entry forms are available from the Carnegie Hall. Closing date is 1st July. For further details please contact 022 21123 or email kanturkmallow.md@corkcoco.ie. Happy planting and preening people.